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Personal Information


Canadian citizen,. Married to Vicki Drader, wife and business partner for 48 years.


We have 2 adult children who also live in Victoria area.


I was born in 1949.

Profesional Credentials

Academic Information:







Professional Registrations:

B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC) regular member #45 from 1988-2010, retired from clinical practice but maintained a teaching Faculty position at City University of Seattle in Langford B.C. I Re-instated my clinical membership in 2018-present.    I am in good standing.


 Executive Positions held in BCACC  1988-1995: Regional Vice President Region 2, Chair Ethics Committee, Executive Vice President, President (3-year term), one year as acting Registrar, Past President and a 1-year contract as Associate Registrar.


Approved as a (non-member) Clinical Supervisor by Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA)  2012


Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Regular member 1979-1995


American Psychological Association (APA), Regular member 1979-1990


Qualified as an Expert Witness in BC Provincial Court and BC Supreme Court in the area of Psychotherapy with Survivors and Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse 1990


Certified as a Life Skills Coach, Saskatchewan Newstart Inc. 1972



Academic Teaching Activity:

Currently: Associate Faculty, City University of Seattle, Langford Campus in the Master of Counselling Program. Currently teaching: Introduction to Clinical Supervision, Practicum classes, Panel member of the Comprehensive Examination of all students in      preparation to begin internships.


Previously I also taught Introduction to Counselling, Group Counselling and Ethics and the Law.




Stewart, David W., Advanced Clinical Supervision, The Clinical Counsellor. B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors, Victoria, B.C. Volume 1 Feb., 1991


Stewart, David W., The Relationship Between Supervisor Perceived Skills In Facilitative Confrontation and Supervisee Perceived Threat In Psychotherapy Supervision. Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, California, 1984.


Stewart, David W., A Trainers Manual For The Selection And Training of Crisis Line Volunteers At NEED-Crisis Line, NEED-Crisis Line, Victoria, B.C., 1974.

  • Ph.D., Couselling Psychology

  • M.A., Counselling Psychology

  • B.A., Humanistic Psychology




Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, Cal.

Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, Cal.

Antioch College West, Yellow Springs Ohio

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