Supervision Services
building confidence and competence
David W. Stewart Ph.D., R.C.C. A.C.S.#45
I want to acknowledge that I live, and work in the unceded territories of the WASANEC PEOPLE,
more specifically those of the Tsartlip, Pauquachin, Tsawout and Tseycum nations.
Personal Information
Canadian citizen,. Married to Vicki Drader, wife and business partner for 48 years.
We have 2 adult children who also live in Victoria area.
I was born in 1949.
Profesional Credentials
Academic Information:
Professional Registrations:
B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC) regular member #45 from 1988-2010, retired from clinical practice but maintained a teaching Faculty position at City University of Seattle in Langford B.C. I Re-instated my clinical membership in 2018-present. I am in good standing.
Executive Positions held in BCACC 1988-1995: Regional Vice President Region 2, Chair Ethics Committee, Executive Vice President, President (3-year term), one year as acting Registrar, Past President and a 1-year contract as Associate Registrar.
Approved as a (non-member) Clinical Supervisor by Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA) 2012
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Regular member 1979-1995
American Psychological Association (APA), Regular member 1979-1990
Qualified as an Expert Witness in BC Provincial Court and BC Supreme Court in the area of Psychotherapy with Survivors and Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse 1990
Certified as a Life Skills Coach, Saskatchewan Newstart Inc. 1972
Academic Teaching Activity:
Currently: Associate Faculty, City University of Seattle, Langford Campus in the Master of Counselling Program. Currently teaching: Introduction to Clinical Supervision, Practicum classes, Panel member of the Comprehensive Examination of all students in preparation to begin internships.
Previously I also taught Introduction to Counselling, Group Counselling and Ethics and the Law.
Stewart, David W., Advanced Clinical Supervision, The Clinical Counsellor. B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors, Victoria, B.C. Volume 1 Feb., 1991
Stewart, David W., The Relationship Between Supervisor Perceived Skills In Facilitative Confrontation and Supervisee Perceived Threat In Psychotherapy Supervision. Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, California, 1984.
Stewart, David W., A Trainers Manual For The Selection And Training of Crisis Line Volunteers At NEED-Crisis Line, NEED-Crisis Line, Victoria, B.C., 1974.
Ph.D., Couselling Psychology
M.A., Counselling Psychology
B.A., Humanistic Psychology
Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, Cal.
Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, Cal.
Antioch College West, Yellow Springs Ohio